Pastor Elise and Holy Bible Church serve at local asylum

Haiti is facing a national crisis once again.  Since earlier this year, protests, tire burning, and road blockages have made everyday life difficult and unpredictable.  Haitian police are struggling to remain effective.  According to the US Embassy, emergency response services, including ambulances, are limited or non-existent.  Violent crimes are rising.  The cost of living is skyrocketing, and the country is facing a large-scale food emergency.  Until last week, the United States had issued a Level 4: Do Not Travel Advisory, evacuating foreign volunteers, tourists, and missionaries.  The US Embassy has now lowered the advisory to a Level 3: Reconsider Travel, but the crisis still remains.  The demonstrations and violence continues. 

Earlier this week, I learned that Pastor Elise and several members of his church congregation had traveled to a group home for adults with physical disabilities.  They had operated a medical clinic for the residents, made repairs to the building, cooked meals, assisted with grooming needs, loved on and played with the residents, and held a church service with them. During such a dangerous time in Haiti when their own needs are difficult to meet, if not unmet, the church laid aside their fears to give hope to others. Pastor Elise referred to them as “blessed” to be able to help.  Do you wonder if you could make a difference so far away?

Here are some ways you can make a difference:

  • Pray for the country of Haiti, Pastor Elise, and the Holy Bible Church and School in Petite Riviere. 
  • Send funding to purchase supplies that the church uses to serve their community (medical supplies, food, construction materials)
  • Volunteer with our team at a fundraising event (Trivia Night July 13th, Golf Tournament in October) or host your own fundraiser
  • Sponsor a child at the Holy Bible School
  • Invite the Here Am I Haiti team to speak at your church service/event
  • Donate towards the lab equipment fund so that the medical clinic in Petite Riviere can offer basic blood tests
  • Buy a Here Am I Haiti t-shirt
  • Show your kids where Haiti is on the map.  Read about life in Haiti and talk about ways to help. 

Haiti is in need of so much:  food, economic stability, freedom, peace and hope.  Will you help us offer the Hope of Jesus to a country that sees no hope?  Are you willing to help?

Matthew 25:35-36

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