How can I make a difference? Sponsor a child at the Holy Bible Church School in Petite Riviere!
The donations that go to the ministry of Here Am I directly fund the school operation and salaries of the teachers and the principals. Any additional funds are used to feed the children a meal while they are at school. (With the exception of the 3.5% charge from PayPal, all donations go directly to the school. No portion of your donation is used for administrative services because our staff is 100% volunteers.) Your donations are tax deductible. Sponsorship is a monthly donation of $25–less than most of us spend each week on lunch.
How does my sponsorship care for the school children?
As a sponsor, you’ll help Here Am I provide children in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with access to education and opportunities that would otherwise be out of their reach. You can also correspond with your child by writing and receiving letters.
Meet Joseph.
Joseph is five years old. He has two brothers and one sister. He likes music and works hard at school. He attends church, and his favorite color is yellow. He attends the Holy Bible Church School and lives in Petite Riviere, near Gonaives, Haiti.
Will you help children like Joseph? Become a sponsor today. Email us at or contact us by completing the form below.