
One of the ways you can support Here Am I is to pray!

  • Pray that the children will grow to know Christ and be a light in a very dark and impoverished country.
  • Pray for for the school children and teachers’ health and access to clean drinking water. Malnutrition, parasites, and infections are rampant.  Malaria, cholera, HIV, tuberculosis, and hepatitis are common.
  • Pray that the school can continue to grow and reach more children who do not have access to education or the Word of God.
  • Pray that the crops will be fruitful this year. The main industry in Haiti is agriculture.  A bountiful harvest is the only source of income for many Haitians.
  • Pray that the community will be reached through the school and church, and that the culture of voodoo and witchcraft will be eradicated.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”  Isaiah 6:8